Physical Therapy for Seniors: Helping Older Adults Remain Active

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Physical Therapy for Seniors: Helping Older Adults Remain Active

We recommend helping the older adults in your life become more physically active (with doctor’s approval and exercise plan), and to engage the services of a physical therapist when warranted to improve quality of life and health.

Physical therapy is a great option for seniors who:

  • Are recovering from an accident, injury, or surgery, such as a fall or hip replacement. Physical therapy is a crucial component in recovery following hospitalization, helping seniors regain balance, flexibility, range of motion, strength, and endurance while reducing pain.
  • Have experienced a stroke. Physical therapy can help retrain the brain to utilize lost or compromised functionality, allowing seniors to regain use of muscles impacted by the stroke and increase independence.
  • Are enduring pain from conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Extension exercises to improve posture, weight-bearing exercises, aquatic therapy, use of hot packs and ice, and many other techniques can help minimize pain and reduce the risk for falls.
  • Struggle with incontinence. A physical therapist can teach seniors exercises for the specific muscles that control urination, train on appropriate hydration and restroom planning, and more.

Simply want to improve balance. Balance problems in seniors are common, for a variety of reasons, and can be strengthened through physical therapy services that boost the many bodily functions that work together for balance.

Why Choose LightSpring Home Care?

Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals by giving them the best home care possible.

Our home care professionals in Philadelphia look beyond the basic needs of our clients to become advocates for their physical and emotional well-being. Whether you are faced with a new diagnosis, recent surgery, or long-term health challenge, the care we provide is rooted in our core values.

Our senior care services allow our elderly clients to maintain as much independence as possible by providing the appropriate in-home assistance and companionship, lifting the spirits of both the elderly and the family caregivers.

LightSpring Home Care provides Home Care Services in the Philadelphia and surrounding cities.

Call us at 215-935-6321


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