
Medicare vs Medicaid

Navigating Insurance: Understanding Medicare and Medicaid for In-Home Care Services

Navigating the intricacies of utilizing Medicare or Medicaid to cover the costs of in-home care services can often feel like running through a maze of complexities and uncertainties. From understanding eligibility requirements to deciphering coverage options, the process can be overwhelming for individuals and families seeking assistance. At LightSpring Home

Caregivers Near Me

Is a Live-In Senior Caregiver Really Worth It?

Caring for our senior loved ones is a responsibility that many of us cherish. As our parents or relatives age, we want to ensure that they receive the best care and support possible. While there are various options available, one approach that’s gaining popularity is hiring a live-in senior caregiver.

Arthritis Statistics 2024

Arthritis Statistics

Are you or a loved one navigating the complexities of arthritis and searching for reliable statistics about this common yet often misunderstood condition? If so, you’ve landed in the right place.  At LightSpring Home Care, we understand that knowledge is power, especially when dealing with a chronic condition like arthritis. 

Caregiver assisting a person with a mobile device at a table, providing support and guidance for using the device

Elderly Fall Statistics

Elderly falls are a leading cause of injuries and hospital admissions among seniors, making them a critical issue in geriatric health and wellness. Understanding these statistics is vital for individuals, families, healthcare providers, and anyone involved in the care and well-being of older adults. This article serves as a one-stop

Meaningful in-home companionship services promoting social interaction and emotional support - Philadelphia PA

Parkinson’s Disease Statistics

Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative disorder primarily affecting the motor system. It’s an illness that impacts the individual and their loved ones, making awareness, understanding, and knowledge about the condition critical.  This blog post aims to present comprehensive and up-to-date Parkinson’s disease statistics, which will help enhance your understanding

24 Hour Care & Live-In Care - Philadelphia PA

Dementia Statistics

As the prevalence of dementia continues to rise globally, understanding the scale and impact of this condition is crucial. Dementia, a collective term for several neurological disorders, significantly affects memory, cognitive functions, and social abilities, posing substantial challenges to affected individuals, their families, and healthcare systems. This comprehensive guide offers

Special Programs - Philadelphia PA

Alzheimer’s Statistics

Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological brain disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. With an aging population and an increasing prevalence of the disease, understanding Alzheimer’s statistics is crucial for both families and care providers. In this comprehensive blog post, we will discuss the prevalence and mortality of Alzheimer’s disease, the

Caregiver providing assistance while walking, supporting and guiding the person with care and attention.

In-Home Dementia Care Costs

When your loved one begins showing early signs of dementia, it’s best to begin making plans for their care right away—not only so you’re prepared when they need help to remain safe but also so you know how to budget for their care. Expense is often the number one concern

service areas covered by LightSpring Homecare in Southeast Pennsylvania

When Siblings Don’t Help with Aging Parents

Family dynamics are always complex, especially as the parents begin to age and require care. All too often, these caregiving responsibilities fall mainly to one child, even if all of the adult siblings initially agreed to help in some way. When siblings don’t help with aging parents and leave you

Paid Family Caregiver

How To Become a Paid Caregiver for a Family Member in Pennsylvania

As your senior family members begin to require assistance with daily tasks, you may feel a strong desire to care for them yourself. Being a family caregiver can be incredibly rewarding, and it’s a good way to ensure your loved ones receive high-quality care. However, many individuals can’t work and

3 Natural Therapies That Can Make You Happier - Philadelphia PA

Caring For Elderly Parents

As your parents age, they’ll likely require some kind of assistance to foster their health, safety, and overall well-being. While some individuals may be reluctant to accept help, it’s important to talk to your parents about your concerns and help them understand their options. For instance, your parents may immediately

I Don’t Want To Care For My Elderly Parents

I Don’t Want To Care For My Elderly Parents

Relationships can be complicated, particularly when adult children are responsible for aging parents if there’s tension, geographical constraints, or not enough time. If you’re thinking, “I don’t want to care for my elderly parents,” that’s okay. You can protect your peace without taking on the strain of day-to-day care interactions. 

Home Care vs. Assisted Living

Home Care vs. Assisted Living

At some point in your loved one’s golden years, you’ll need to discuss their options for senior care. As they age, many seniors develop mobility issues and other conditions that make it unsafe for them to live alone—meaning they’ll require professional care or assistance to safely retain their independence.  Understanding

What To Do When Your Parent Refuses to Go to a Nursing Home

What To Do When Your Parent Refuses to Go to a Nursing Home

As parents age, it often becomes necessary for their adult children to make decisions about their well-being, including whether to move them into a nursing home. This can be a jarring experience for your elderly parents, who may refuse to make the move.  Disagreements like this can put a strain

At What Point Do Dementia Clients Need 24 Hour Care?

At What Point Do Dementia Clients Need 24-Hour Care?

In the early stages, those with dementia may need little or no help to continue thriving at home. They may be occasionally forgetful or require redirection, but they’re still able to care for themselves. As the disease progresses, however, it will be unsafe for your loved one to be left

Nursing Home Alternatives

Nursing Home Alternatives

At some point during their golden years, most people will require some level of long-term care. Nursing homes are often the first option people think of when planning for this stage of life, but seniors often refuse to go to a nursing home—and who can blame them? Few people want

Benefits of Aging in Place

Benefits of Aging in Place

Many seniors have spent years—or even decades—in their homes raising families, celebrating life events, and creating a fulfilling life for themselves. It makes sense that they’d want to remain there throughout their golden years. Leaving these spaces would mean the loss of their independence, privacy, and much of their community

Benefits of Aging in Place

Tips for Taking Care of the Elderly in Your Home

Many older adults have a strong desire to age in a familiar place—which is both a reasonable and challenging thing to want. Though living independently offers a number of benefits, mobility and cognitive issues from arthritis and other age-related conditions make it more difficult for aging parents or other aging

Benefits of Aging in Place

Home Care vs. Nursing Home

As your loved ones age, you may be questioning what’s best for them in terms of their health and safety—especially if they begin to develop a disability or memory-related condition that makes it unsafe for them to remain alone at home. At this point, you and your family have to

Benefits of Aging in Place

Types of Home Care

Everyone wants to enjoy the comfort and independence of living at home, but age, disabilities, and chronic conditions can make doing so challenging—or even dangerous. With home care, you can remain at home safely while managing a long-term condition or recovering from a health issue. However, it can be overwhelming

Benefits of Aging in Place

Home Health Aide Cost NJ

When deciding what kind of care is best for you or your aging loved one, cost plays a significant role. It’s important to hire services you can afford long-term to ensure you have continuous care. Of course, it’s also essential that those services be high-quality and meet your family member’s

10 Questions to Ask When Searching for In-Home Care

10 Questions to Ask When Searching for In-Home Care

10 Questions to Ask When Searching for In-Home Care Searching for In-Home Care can be a big task. There are so many companies out there that provide In-Home Care services, so how do you choose one that is a reputable, safe, and reliable company that is also the right fit

3 Signs of Elder Financial Abuse

3 Signs of Elder Financial Abuse

3 Signs of Elder Financial Abuse A bank withdrawal that’s not remembered, a change in investments, increasingly confusing personal accounting. Are these just “senior” moments? Possibly. But they could also indicate some things more sinister. Elder financial abuse against those aged 65 or older constitutes 35 percent of all financial

3 Natural Therapies That Can Make You Happier - Philadelphia PA

3 Natural Therapies That Can Make You Happier

3 Natural Therapies That Can Make You Happier Now more than ever, the idea of using alternative medicine and natural therapies is gaining more attention and appeal from doctors and clients alike. Both innovative and ancient holistic healing methods are becoming more popular thanks to their ability to reduce discomfort

The Importance of Flu Shots for Seniors

The Importance of Flu Shots for Seniors

The Importance of Flu Shots for Seniors For seniors aged 65 years and older, there’s never a good time to get the flu. And this year, that’s especially true. With coronavirus cases still on the rise, it’s more important than ever for seniors to take steps to protect their health.

The Impacts of Social Isolation on the Elderly During the Pandemic

The Impacts of Social Isolation on the Elderly During the Pandemic

The Impacts of Social Isolation on the Elderly During the Pandemic Social isolation and loneliness can be especially challenging for seniors during the pandemic. Learn ways to help keep seniors engaged, active and safe, right in the comfort of home. For nearly everyone, the coronavirus pandemic upended the way we

Engaging Indoor Activities for Seniors at Home

Engaging Indoor Activities for Seniors at Home

Engaging Indoor Activities for Seniors at Home With COVID-19 cases continuing to rise in Florida and throughout the country, it’s clear that the safest place for older adults right now is at home. And while home does provide a necessary level of safety and security during the pandemic, it does

What is Chronic Inflammation and How Do We Stop It?

What is Chronic Inflammation and How Do We Stop It?

What is Chronic Inflammation and How Do We Stop It? Inflammation is the body’s response to stress, infection, or foreign substances and is a normal, healthy part of your everyday life. In a normal situation, inflammation is our friend. When your immune system senses foreign pathogens or particles, it sends

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips for Seniors

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips for Seniors

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips for Seniors Learn more about the importance of implementing sun protection steps into one’s everyday routine: Sunscreen – Sunscreen is a first line of defense that should be used daily. Even when outside, but not in the direct sun, sunscreen with an SPF of 15 should

Breast Cancer Awareness in the Aging Community

Breast Cancer Awareness in the Aging Community

Breast Cancer Awareness in the Aging Community According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, as studies show that one out of eight women will be diagnosed in their lifetime. But did you know: 80% of all breast cancer occurs in

Three Simple Steps Toward Securing Your Retirement Finances

Three Simple Steps Toward Securing Your Retirement Finances Most retirees save tirelessly for their entire careers to set up a nest egg large enough to enjoy their golden years. They plan out their retirement finances, make conservative projections, and plan for both expected and emergency expenses. But what happens if

Understanding and Managing Diabetes in Seniors

Understanding and Managing Diabetes in Seniors

Understanding and Managing Diabetes in Seniors Living with and managing diabetes can be difficult, even for otherwise healthy individuals. However, managing diabetes in older adults can be an especially unique challenge. An estimated 14.3 million seniors are living with diabetes. Many older adults also have other health issues to deal

Adapting Everyday Activities to Keep Alzheimer’s Clients Active and Engaged

Adapting Everyday Activities to Keep Alzheimer’s Clients Active and Engaged

Adapting Everyday Activities to Keep Alzheimer’s Clients Active and Engaged When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease or another form of dementia, you may start to notice some progressive changes in daily activity levels and engagement with regular pastimes. However, it’s vitally important to help Alzheimer’s clients stay

How Home Care Can Help Following a Cancer Diagnosis

How Home Care Can Help Following a Cancer Diagnosis

How Home Care Can Help Following a Cancer Diagnosis  According to the American Cancer Society, in 2021, more than 1.9 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Cancer treatment options vary, but most people have a combination of treatments, such as chemotherapy and/or radiation with surgery.

Practical Steps to Take When Aging Parents Need Help at Home

Practical Steps to Take When Aging Parents Need Help at Home

Practical Steps to Take When Aging Parents Need Help at Home Perhaps on a recent visit with your aging parents, it became apparent that keeping up with household tasks is challenging for them. Or maybe during a phone call, you realized that Mom is having some minor memory issues and

Discover Ways to Overcome Pandemic Fatigue in Seniors

Discover Ways to Overcome Pandemic Fatigue in Seniors

Discover Ways to Overcome Pandemic Fatigue in Seniors A year into the pandemic and it’s natural to feel tired of the restrictions that COVID-19 has created. While it’s been scientifically proven that face coverings, quarantine, social distancing, and frequent handwashing all play critical roles in slowing the spread of COVID-19,

Overcoming Caregiver Guilt When Providing Dementia Care

Overcoming Caregiver Guilt When Providing Dementia Care

Overcoming Caregiver Guilt When Providing Dementia Care In any given day in the life of a caregiver, a full gamut of emotions can come into play. Joy in hearing a senior loved one’s laughter. Pride in knowing you’re making a difference in the senior’s life. Frustration and stress when things

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The Link Between Hearing Loss in Seniors and Cognitive Health

The Link Between Hearing Loss in Seniors and Cognitive Health To help maintain health, it’s important to visit the doctor regularly. For older adults with multiple health conditions, several physicians may be part of the senior’s healthcare team, working to keep chronic conditions monitored and under control. It’s no wonder

What is Chronic Inflammation and How Do We Stop It?

Top Tips for Attending a Healthcare Appointment with an Older Parent

Top Tips for Attending a Healthcare Appointment with an Older Parent One of the many hats you may find yourself wearing as a family caregiver is accompanying your loved one to medical appointments. Seems simple enough, right? Yet there are a number of challenging dynamics and thoughts to consider to

4 Types of Exercises that Improve Older Adult Health and Physical Abilities

4 Types of Exercises that Improve Older Adult Health and Physical Abilities

Four Types of Exercises that Improve Older Adult Health and Physical Abilities Did you know that a well-rounded fitness routine is just as important as a well-rounded diet to maximize an older adult’s health and physical abilities? While older adults who remain active throughout aging reap several health and wellness

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Helping Seniors with Chronic Health Conditions

Helping Seniors with Chronic Health Conditions  One of the most commonly made – and broken – New Year’s resolutions is to exercise more and eat healthier. For seniors with chronic health conditions (as many as 85% of older adults who are struggling with at least one, and 60% with at

Physical Therapy for Seniors: Helping Older Adults Remain Active

Physical Therapy for Seniors: Helping Older Adults Remain Active We recommend helping the older adults in your life become more physically active (with doctor’s approval and exercise plan), and to engage the services of a physical therapist when warranted to improve quality of life and health. Physical therapy is a

Reduce Caregiver Stress and Increase Gratitude with These Tips

Reduce Caregiver Stress and Increase Gratitude with These Tips

Reduce Caregiver Stress and Increase Gratitude with These Tips We may have turned the calendar page on Thanksgiving, but there’s good reason to hold onto that attitude of gratitude, especially if you’re a family caregiver. A thankful heart is actually a great remedy for something you’re likely facing on any

Lower an Older Adult's Risk for Alzheimer's with These Five Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Joy and Self-Care Are the Keys to Healthy Aging

It’s taken nearly 80 years and a slew of scientific studies to come up with the end result: wealth and a good genetic makeup really have little to do with our level of joy. The Harvard Study of Adult Development began in 1938, delving into the lives of such high-profile

3 Signs of Elder Financial Abuse

The Importance of Good Nutrition for Older Adults

The Importance of Good Nutrition for Older Adults One of the top concerns for family members is ensuring proper nutrition for the older adults they love. If you’re unsure whether an older adult you know is getting the nutrients he or she needs to stay strong, healthy and well, this

Top Ways for Seniors to Maintain Bladder Health

Top Ways for Seniors to Maintain Bladder Health

Top Ways for Seniors to Maintain Bladder Health It’s the size of a pear, can hold up to two cups of fluid, and will let you know in no uncertain terms when it needs your attention. It also changes as we grow older, making it all the more important to

6 Ways That Strength Training Can Help You Age Healthier

6 Ways That Strength Training Can Help You Age Healthier

6 Ways That Strength Training Can Help You Age Healthier Most people think strength training is for serious athletes. But working out to increase your muscle strength and build your muscles actually has some more surprising benefits besides just getting more toned. Strength training can actually benefit your heart more

Try These Simple Steps to Boost Senior Health and Wellness

Try These Simple Steps to Boost Senior Health and Wellness

Many people have left their New Year’s resolutions by the wayside by the end of January, but who says resolutions should only be made at the start of the year? There’s no time like the present to commit to a new habit or goal, especially for those looking to improve

Could a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Be in Our Future?

Could a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Be in Our Future?

If 2021 will be remembered as the year for COVID-19 vaccines, perhaps 2022 will make its mark with a different kind of life-changing vaccine: a vaccine for Alzheimer’s that may actually prevent or slow the progression of the disease. The first human trial of Protollin, delivered via nasal spray, is

Virtual Reality for Seniors: A New Way to Help People with Dementia

Virtual Reality for Seniors: A New Way to Help People with Dementia

Imagine for a minute how it would feel to struggle with the cognitive complications of Alzheimer’s disease. The family and friends who are closest to you are now unfamiliar. The words that would roll off your tongue without a second thought are now just out of reach. In fact, the

The Quest for Age-Friendly Senior Health Care

The Quest for Age-Friendly Senior Health Care

If your young son or daughter developed an illness, who would you call? It’s a no-brainer; many parents have the number programmed on their phone for the pediatrician they’ve carefully selected to oversee the health care needs of their children. Due to their specialized training, working with a trustworthy pediatrician

Talking About COPD Effectively

Talking About COPD Effectively

It began with your inner circle, those closest to you, and has gradually been spreading outward to good friends and acquaintances. Revealing your COPD diagnosis and knowing how to respond to the various questions that arise about it may be uncomfortable – for you, and for those you are speaking

Safely Manage Dementia and Aggression Using the 6 R’s

Safely Manage Dementia and Aggression Using the 6 R’s

Of the many challenging behaviors typical in dementia, possibly the most complicated to manage is aggression. A senior who has always been mild-mannered can abruptly lash out in outbursts which are truly terrifying: hitting, cursing, kicking, yelling, biting, or throwing things. How can you, as a family care provider, safely

Be the Best Family Caregiver for Someone with a New Diagnosis

Be the Best Family Caregiver for Someone with a New Diagnosis

It may have been suspected or perhaps broadsided you out of nowhere. Mom has just received the official diagnosis for a progressive disease that is going to make independent life difficult. While there are numerous unknowns, one thing is for sure: she is adamant about remaining at home – meaning

Living Longer with Purpose – The Connection Between the Two

Living Longer with Purpose – The Connection Between the Two

What inspires you to get up out of bed every day? The answer is different for every one of us, of course, however, there is one commonality: it may help you with living a longer life. Research is showing us that having a sense of purpose is an integral factor

Learn the Facts Behind Common Hospice Myths

Learn the Facts Behind Common Hospice Myths

If you knew that a much better quality of life could be achieved for a loved one, you wouldn’t hesitate to explore that option. Yet one of the most beneficial types of care – hospice care – is one that family members shy away from, because of a number of

Alzheimer’s and Sleep Problems: How to Help

Alzheimer’s and Sleep Problems: How to Help

If it feels like a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s and sleep problems has totally rewritten the rules on how and when to sleep, you are not dreaming. For reasons that are not yet completely understood, many people with dementia experience changes to their circadian rhythm, leading to drowsy days


Learn the Benefits of the Flu Vaccine for Seniors

Learn how to choose the best flu vaccine for seniors. While COVID-19 still dominates our overall health concerns, it’s important to remember that other illnesses can be just as problematic, particularly for seniors. Flu season is here, and it is time to make sure the older adults you love are


Is it Dementia or Medication Side Effects in Seniors?

Learn how medication side effects in seniors can be similar to dementia symptoms. Confusion. Disorientation. Memory loss. While these are definitely symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease as well as other types of dementia, they can also be triggered by medication side effects in seniors. Before automatically assuming an inevitable diagnosis of


The Emotion You May Not Have Expected in Caring for Aging Parents

Caring for aging parents brings about a variety of emotions. If you were to name the top 5 emotions you experience while caring for aging parents, what would they be? Maybe you would first think of emotions like love, compassion, and sometimes, even stress or frustration. Would anger make the list?


How Setting a Daily Routine Can Help Seniors

Life, especially although not just during the pandemic, can be filled with uncertainness. For seniors who are feeling less in command of particular aspects of life, such as losing cognitive or physical functioning, concentrating on exactly what can be controlled is empowering. An excellent place to begin is by setting


Avoiding Elderspeak When Talking To Older Adults

Watch what happens at your next family gathering when a brand new mom places her infant in someone else\’s arms. The person is likely to transition immediately into baby mode: a sing-song, high-pitched voice, exaggerated facial expressions, and overly-simplified speech. Of course, this is perfectly normal and actually beneficial to

senior discussing dementia diagnosis with doctor

Talking To Your Doctor About A Dementia Diagnosis

Distress. Fear. Embarrassment. The feelings surrounding  discussing a dementia diagnosis with a doctor can cause older adults to keep their suspicions to themselves. A recently available AARP survey peeled away a few of the layers of emotion to get to the reason – namely, worry over losing independence and becoming

Should My Aging Parent Move in with Me?

Should My Aging Parent Move in with Me?

At some point you may be asking yourself “Should I ask my aging parent to move in with me?”. Deciding if you should move an aging parent into your home takes some thought. Here’s how to determine if it’s the right call.

Tips for Caring for an Ill Spouse

Tips for Caring for an Ill Spouse

Many older adults who are caring for an ill spouse are also too proud to ask for help, which then places the health and wellbeing of both parties at risk. To help ensure that doesn’t happen to you, use these caregiving tips from the experts.

How to Avoid Caregiver Guilt

How to Avoid Caregiver Guilt

When you’re not able to manage caregiver guilt, it can cloud your judgement, cause additional stress and anxiety, and eventually lead to burnout. To help ensure that doesn’t happen, learning how to avoid caregiver guilt is possible when taking these steps.

Nutritious Meal Tips for Seniors with a Loss of Appetite

Nutritious Meal Tips for Seniors with a Loss of Appetite

As a person ages, it’s not uncommon for them to start losing their appetite for one reason or another. But when that senior lives alone, a loss of appetite can cause rapid weight loss that quickly places their freedom and independence at risk. If you’re currently caring for an aging

How to Stay Connected While Staying Healthy

How to Stay Connected While Staying Healthy

Staying connected with your senior loved one is a challenge, even in the best of times. In the current crisis, older adults, especially seniors with underlying conditions, are at a higher risk for COVID-19 and can develop serious complications. Here are options that allow you to stay connected with your

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Elderly Adults

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Elderly Adults

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly six million Americans aged 65-and-older have diabetes, with another 23 million seniors classified as being prediabetic. Unfortunately, many seniors with diabetes don’t even realize they have it. But left untreated, diabetes can cause serious health problems affecting the kidneys,

Tips for Assisting a Senior with Incontinence

Tips for Assisting a Senior with Incontinence

Millions of Americans live with urinary incontinence, an oftentimes embarrassing condition that causes their bodies to accidentally leak urine. Sometimes aging in place seniors with poor bladder control become less active and even socially isolated, which can place their health and well-being at risk. If you’re currently looking after a

Helping an Elderly Parent Cope with the Loss of a Spouse

Helping an Elderly Parent Cope with the Loss of a Spouse

Although it’s not uncommon for the grieving process to take a while, if these signs haven’t gone away after several months, your loved one’s health and wellbeing can be placed at risk. Helping an aging parent cope with the loss of a spouse should go better when using this approach.

How Can I Care for My Mother If She Becomes Incapacitated?

How Can I Care for My Mother If She Becomes Incapacitated?

Your elderly mother was recently diagnosed with dementia, and you can see the disease changing her with each passing month. Because mom still lives on her own, you’d like to start planning some care for her in the event she becomes incapacitated.

4 Ways Caregivers Can Keep Their Mental Health in Check

4 Ways Caregivers Can Keep Their Mental Health in Check

Caregiving is not only physically demanding and time consuming, it can also have a detrimental effect on one’s emotional and mental health. In honor of Mental Health Month, here are 4 reliable ways for caregivers to stay mentally strong.

5 Things You May Not Know About Parkinson’s Disease

5 Things You May Not Know About Parkinson’s Disease

Many clients diagnosed with Parkinson’s are elderly, which is certainly concerning if you have aging in place relatives or friends. April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month, which makes it the perfect time for you to learn more about the disease. Here are 5 Parkinson’s facts that you may not be

Why is “Social Distancing” So Important for Seniors?

Why is “Social Distancing” So Important for Seniors?

Under ordinary circumstances, elderly individuals who live independently are encouraged to stay socially active because it provides them with many health benefits. However, Americans of all ages are currently at risk for being exposed to coronavirus, or “COVID-19”. For that reason, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Why Proper Medicine Storage is Essential

Why Proper Medicine Storage is Essential

Your elderly father lives alone, and the last few times you’ve been over to his house there were medicine bottles strewn all over the bathroom vanity. Not only is it unsafe, you’re pretty sure that some of dad’s meds have special storage requirements. But whenever you’ve tried to talk to

5 Tips to Combat Depression in Seniors

5 Tips to Combat Depression in Seniors

Depression is quite common in seniors and if allowed to persist the physical and emotional toll upon their lives can be devastating. On the positive side, because depression isn’t a normal part of the aging process itself it is a very treatable condition.

The Importance of Keeping Seniors Socially Active

The Importance of Keeping Seniors Socially Active

If you’re currently looking after an aging in place loved one, knowing how to keep seniors socially active may not be one of your caregiving priorities. But countless studies have shown that it’s vitally important to do so to ensure that your loved one enjoys a better quality of life.

How to Provide Long Distance Caregiving

How to Provide Long Distance Caregiving

Your elderly mother still lives about two hours away in the home you grew up in. Ever since dad passed away two years ago, mom has been able to continue aging in place on her own. But lately her health has taken a turn for the worse. Mom’s always made

5 Tips to Create a Caregiving To-Do List and Stick to It

5 Tips to Create a Caregiving To-Do List and Stick to It

Many people use to-do lists when planning a vacation, home improvement project or for managing their personal finances. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who take care of an aging in place loved one, a to-do list is also important so that you can more efficiently balance those

Trip and Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

Trip and Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

One-in-four older Americans trip and fall every year, and falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries in the elderly population. If you’re currently caring for an aging in place loved one, helping them avoid a trip and fall will go more smoothly when using these prevention

How to Protect Seniors from Financial Scams

How to Protect Seniors from Financial Scams

Millions of elderly Americans are targeted by financial scam artists every year, and in many cases it’s their own family members who are involved. If you’re currently caring for an aging in place loved one, knowing how to protect seniors from financial scams is probably a priority. Thankfully, doing so

Stress-out caregiver

How to Care for Yourself While Caring for Others

Providing care to an elderly loved one is a labor of love, but millions of family caregivers every year experience a condition called “caregiver fatigue”. Caregiver fatigue is common amongst members of the “Sandwich Generation”, or those adults who are caught in between raising children and caring for an elderly

Senior Woman Exercising

Why Is a Good Exercise Routine So Important for Seniors?

Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise benefits people of all ages, including those 65-and-over. Sadly, millions of aging in place elderly Americans don’t exercise like they should, which eventually has a negative effect on their health and wellbeing. On the other hand, seniors who follow a good exercise routine

Stressed out caregiver

How Can I Balance Caregiving with Work and Family Responsibilities?

For the past 6 months you’ve been caring for your elderly mother while also working full time and raising two school-aged kids. As a member of the Sandwich Generation, trying to balance caregiving with a job and household can be overwhelming. However, it is possible when you take this approach.

What if I Suspect My Aging Mother Has Dementia?

What if I Suspect My Aging Mother Has Dementia?

Your elderly mother is having trouble performing simple tasks, and she’s locked herself out of the house several times. The other day mom went to the bank and couldn’t remember how to get back home. Mom’s forgetfulness has now reached the point you suspect she has dementia. What should you

Benefits of Aging in Place

5 Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Your aging in place elderly mother is chronically ill, so you’ve been serving as her sole caregiver for several months now. But between getting mom to her doctor’s appointments and treatments, and helping her around the house, you hardly have time to take care of yourself. You’re having trouble sleeping,

Keeping Seniors Safe During Inclement Weather

Keeping Seniors Safe During Inclement Weather

No matter where you live, you’re going to get some nasty weather from time-to-time. Inclement weather can take many forms, including tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, high winds and heavy snowfalls. Harsh weather can be especially hard on those aged 65-and-over who also live alone.

Benefits of Aging in Place

When It Is Time to Consider Respite Care

Serving as a family caregiver for an aging in place elderly loved one is highly rewarding, but it can also be physically and emotionally draining. The average family caregiver in the U.S. also juggles at least a part-time job and household with their caregiving responsibilities, which makes their lives even

Hearing Loss

Coping When a Loved One Has Hearing Loss

If you’re currently caring for an aging in place elderly loved one with a hearing impairment, keeping the lines of communication open so you can provide them with the daily assistance they need can be quite challenging. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to do so, starting with these.

Benefits of Aging in Place

The Positive Impact of Social Media on Seniors

If you’re serving as a caregiver for a homebound senior, showing them how to more effectively use social media is one way to ensure a higher quality-of-life. In fact, sociologists have studied the positive impact of social media on seniors, and here’s what they found.