The Importance of Good Nutrition for Older Adults
One of the top concerns for family members is ensuring proper nutrition for the older adults they love. If you’re unsure whether an older adult you know is getting the nutrients he or she needs to stay strong, healthy and well, this quick checklist can help uncover potential red flags:
Is the older adult you know experiencing a loss of appetite, difficulties with digesting food, or problems with chewing/swallowing? Has there been a decrease in the amount of food being eaten over the past several months as a result?
Has the older adult experienced significant weight loss over the last few months? Losing weight, especially for someone with a less active lifestyle, can indicate that the person is not eating properly on a regular basis.
Does the older adult have difficulty with mobility? Being confined to the home can lead to nutritional problems, as it’s more challenging for those with mobility issues to grocery shop or fix meals.
Has an older loved one been under stress lately, or been diagnosed with a chronic illness in the past few months?
What is the older adult’s Body Mass Index (BMI)? A BMI of 18.5 or less may indicate that a loved one is not eating enough, while a BMI of 30 or above can point toward obesity.
If you find through answering these questions that an older adult may be experiencing problems with getting sufficient nutrition, it’s a good idea to check in with the older adult’s doctor.
MyPlate for Older Adults is a helpful guide to appropriate nutrition for seniors, with details on foods that are high in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar, salt, and fat. It also includes recommendations for exercise and fluid consumption, issues that are of particular concern for many older adults. Nutritional tips according to this model include:
- Bright-colored vegetables, such as peppers and carrots
- Deep-colored fruits, such as berries and melons
- Whole grains and cereals, such as brown rice
- Nonfat or low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt and low-lactose milk
- Liquid vegetable oils and soft spreads, as they are lower in saturated and trans fats
- Replacing salt with spices
- Physical exercise including walking and resistance training
- Additional guidelines include selecting foods that are easier to prepare and decrease waste, such as bags of frozen vegetables and single-portion containers of fruit.
Why Choose LightSpring Home Care?
Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals by giving them the best home care possible.
Our home care professionals in Philadelphia look beyond the basic needs of our clients to become advocates for their physical and emotional well-being. Whether you are faced with a new diagnosis, recent surgery, or long-term health challenge, the care we provide is rooted in our core values.
Our senior care services allow our elderly clients to maintain as much independence as possible by providing the appropriate in-home assistance and companionship, lifting the spirits of both the elderly and the family caregivers.
LightSpring Home Care provides Home Care Services in the Philadelphia and surrounding cities. Call us at 215-935-6321