The Link Between Hearing Loss in Seniors and Cognitive Health
To help maintain health, it’s important to visit the doctor regularly. For older adults with multiple health conditions, several physicians may be part of the senior’s healthcare team, working to keep chronic conditions monitored and under control. It’s no wonder that when an annual hearing exam is recommended, some seniors figure that is one healthcare visit they can postpone or even skip without any true risk to overall health and wellness. But that’s just not true.
According to recent studies, age-related hearing loss has been shown to be associated with cognitive decline and dementia. While researchers are still working to determine the cause behind this link, one emerging theory is that hearing loss can cause people to become withdrawn from conversations and social activities, leading to a lack of stimulation and isolation. Since social interaction is so important to brain health, a decrease may lead to negative long-term cognitive impacts.
Because of the potential link between hearing loss and cognitive function, it’s important to make and keep regular yearly appointments with an audiologist. An audiologist will test for hearing loss and can make recommendations for hearing aids as well. Hearing aids will not only help seniors feel more confident in social interactions, but they help enhance safety, too.
In addition to recommending that older adults maintain cognitive function through regular hearing exams, the senior care experts at LightSpring Home Care we offer the following suggestions to help promote brain health:
Maintain an active mind. Engaging in hobbies that keep the brain active can help lower the risk of dementia. Consider activities that are challenging, such as learning to play a musical instrument, learning a new language, taking an online class, or doing math or word puzzles.
Stay physically active. Regular cardio-based exercise helps promote not only cognitive health, but mental and physical health benefits, too. Start out slow and try building to the recommended 30 minutes per day. Always speak with a physician before starting or adjusting an exercise regimen.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Making healthy food choices and including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in a senior’s diet also provides both cognitive and physical health benefits. Make it a point to reduce foods that contain high amounts of saturated fats, sodium and sugar from the senior’s diet.
Stay connected. Maintaining social connections helps keep the brain healthy. Stay connected with friends and family and get involved in the local community. If in-person visits aren’t possible, use the telephone or a conferencing app like Zoom. Conversations provide important mental stimulation and cut down on feelings of isolation.
Why Choose LightSpring Home Care?
Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals by giving them the best home care possible.
Our home care professionals in Philadelphia look beyond the basic needs of our clients to become advocates for their physical and emotional well-being. Whether you are faced with a new diagnosis, recent surgery, or long-term health challenge, the care we provide is rooted in our core values.
Our senior care services allow our elderly clients to maintain as much independence as possible by providing the appropriate in-home assistance and companionship, lifting the spirits of both the elderly and the family caregivers.
LightSpring Home Care provides Home Care Services in the Philadelphia and surrounding cities.
Call us at 215-935-6321